America--What have you done for me lately?
(too old to reply)
Douglas D. Anderson
2003-10-21 23:46:17 UTC
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master of verbosity and
self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
the compassionate thing to do seemed to be to put up some prompts for you.
Painting large target signs on your ass if probably not a good idea.
Following step three, it is customary to grow bored
with the "target", and go off to other more interesting threads, at which point
the "target" fancies him or herself to have "won", and the "opponent" has
run away or some such thing. HTH.
Unfortunately for you, I'm still here.
No problem at all. I'm not one to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the
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wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
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MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave
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siesHaveMore FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
mhm 27x12
smeeter #27 (also)
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
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eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
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MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
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nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
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eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
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siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
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ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
Bradley Bungmunch
2003-10-22 00:28:57 UTC
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:46:17 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master
No you sub-literate cunt, the word is "ultimate".
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of verbosity and self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
So let's see what you have ducked.

1) Fucked up on the old nazi and Godwin's law thing. Labeled somebody
and nazi and tried to invoke Godwin's law. RTFM. You then ducked and
2) Lapelled somebody a homophobe, provided no evidence, ducked and ran
when your homophobe sycophant was pointed out.
3) Labeled yourself a Donkey. Provided plenty evidence of that.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
the compassionate thing to do seemed to be to put up some prompts for you.
Painting large target signs on your ass if probably not a good idea.
Following step three, it is customary to grow bored
with the "target", and go off to other more interesting threads, at which point
the "target" fancies him or herself to have "won", and the "opponent" has
run away or some such thing. HTH.
Unfortunately for you, I'm still here.
No problem at all. I'm not one to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the
You think I'm a newspaper reporter?


In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of ATJ" lets me know who is boss in no uncertain terms:

"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."

Post by Douglas D. Anderson
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"


In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of atj" states what is patently obvious to all but himself:

"don't envy me."


Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
Douglas D. Anderson
2003-10-22 09:44:18 UTC
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:46:17 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master
No you sub-literate cunt, the word is "ultimate".
Penultimate is correct- "second from last"... "number two" describes you
perfectly. And you fail to explain the substitution of "your" for "you", that
"your" having said it all in the critical ranking of literacy. If, however, you
intended the "your", "...you're about to find out just how wrong your _is_.",
would have been grammatically correct.
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of verbosity and self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
So let's see what you have ducked.
1) Fucked up on the old nazi and Godwin's law thing. Labeled somebody
and nazi and tried to invoke Godwin's law. RTFM. You then ducked and
2) Lapelled somebody a homophobe, provided no evidence, ducked and ran
when your homophobe sycophant was pointed out.
3) Labeled yourself a Donkey. Provided plenty evidence of that.
That is purely in your opinion. In your conceit, you imagine yourself to be setting
up field and rules... self-discovery will be your next evolutionary step.
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
the compassionate thing to do seemed to be to put up some prompts for you.
Painting large target signs on your ass if probably not a good idea.
Following step three, it is customary to grow bored
with the "target", and go off to other more interesting threads, at which point
the "target" fancies him or herself to have "won", and the "opponent" has
run away or some such thing. HTH.
Unfortunately for you, I'm still here.
No problem at all. I'm not one to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the
You think I'm a newspaper reporter?
"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."
candidate in the Unfeasibly Dense Awards - who would have thought the Anti-Defamation League
could have been mistaken for an Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line? [And how long can it be
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"
"don't envy me."
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
Bradley Bungmunch
2003-10-22 13:56:57 UTC
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 09:44:18 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:46:17 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master
No you sub-literate cunt, the word is "ultimate".
Penultimate is correct- "second from last"... "number two" describes you

You've rushed off to the dictionary and suddenly discovered that
you've been using "penultimate" wrongly, like most other
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
And you fail to explain the substitution of "your" for "you", that
"your" having said it all in the critical ranking of literacy. If, however, you
intended the "your", "...you're about to find out just how wrong your _is_.",
would have been grammatically correct.
You wish to be know as a typo-pouncing speccy little twerp. Is this
what you've been reduced to already? Scanning my previous posts for
evidence of any little typo?

Oh you sad - and utterly hopeless - little man.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of verbosity and self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
So let's see what you have ducked.
1) Fucked up on the old nazi and Godwin's law thing. Labeled somebody
and nazi and tried to invoke Godwin's law. RTFM. You then ducked and
2) Labelled somebody a homophobe, provided no evidence, ducked and ran
when your homophobe sycophant was pointed out.
3) Labeled yourself a Donkey. Provided plenty evidence of that.
That is purely in your opinion.
NO. It's there in black and white. Typed by the stumpy little fingers
at the end of your sweaty, pudgy, little hands.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
In your conceit, you imagine yourself to be setting up field and rules...
What rules would these be, shit for brains?
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
self-discovery will be your next evolutionary step.
Self-discovery is sociological, behavior thing, not a genetic thing.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
the compassionate thing to do seemed to be to put up some prompts for you.
Painting large target signs on your ass if probably not a good idea.
Following step three, it is customary to grow bored
with the "target", and go off to other more interesting threads, at which point
the "target" fancies him or herself to have "won", and the "opponent" has
run away or some such thing. HTH.
Unfortunately for you, I'm still here.
No problem at all. I'm not one to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the
You think I'm a newspaper reporter?
Well do ya, punk?
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."
candidate in the Unfeasibly Dense Awards - who would have thought the Anti-Defamation League
could have been mistaken for an Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line? [And how long can it be
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"
"don't envy me."
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie

In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of ATJ" lets me know who is boss in no uncertain terms:

"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."

Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"


In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of atj" states what is patently obvious to all but himself:

"don't envy me."


Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
Douglas D. Anderson
2003-10-22 19:22:10 UTC
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 09:44:18 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:46:17 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master
No you sub-literate cunt, the word is "ultimate".
Penultimate is correct- "second from last"... "number two" describes you
You've rushed off to the dictionary and suddenly discovered that
you've been using "penultimate" wrongly, like most other
Wrong again... in fact I've helped compose dictionaries; you
project your lack of familiarity with grammar and syntax on the
general public, typical provincialism, and assume that your own
particular brand of ignorance is common. My association with
dictionaries was not voluntary, however, my late Dad was the
writer of dictionaries, and I wound up getting roped into helping
when at home... if you would like to buy any of his stuff, feel
free to do so, here's a couple of examples,
The terms penultimate, ultimate, etc., are commonly used in linguistics
and poetry, with which you are no doubt familiar, being self-proclaimed
as possessing universal knowledge.
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
And you fail to explain the substitution of "your" for "you", that
"your" having said it all in the critical ranking of literacy. If, however, you
intended the "your", "...you're about to find out just how wrong your _is_.",
would have been grammatically correct.
You wish to be know as a typo-pouncing speccy little twerp. Is this
what you've been reduced to already? Scanning my previous posts for
evidence of any little typo?
Wrong- a typo by definition is substituting one of the up-to-four characters
surrounding the character you intended to hit. Since you intended to say
"you", and not "your", the "r" being nowhere near the "u", this is not a typo,
but just plain stupid. Btw-, substituting one word for another can be utilized
in therapy for culling out subconscious repressions... you might profit by
noting this and other instances of such errors.
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Oh you sad - and utterly hopeless - little man.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of verbosity and self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
So let's see what you have ducked.
1) Fucked up on the old nazi and Godwin's law thing. Labeled somebody
and nazi and tried to invoke Godwin's law. RTFM. You then ducked and
2) Labelled somebody a homophobe, provided no evidence, ducked and ran
when your homophobe sycophant was pointed out.
3) Labeled yourself a Donkey. Provided plenty evidence of that.
That is purely in your opinion.
NO. It's there in black and white. Typed by the stumpy little fingers
at the end of your sweaty, pudgy, little hands.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
In your conceit, you imagine yourself to be setting up field and rules...
What rules would these be, shit for brains?
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
self-discovery will be your next evolutionary step.
Self-discovery is sociological, behavior thing, not a genetic thing.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
the compassionate thing to do seemed to be to put up some prompts for you.
Painting large target signs on your ass if probably not a good idea.
Following step three, it is customary to grow bored
with the "target", and go off to other more interesting threads, at which point
the "target" fancies him or herself to have "won", and the "opponent" has
run away or some such thing. HTH.
Unfortunately for you, I'm still here.
No problem at all. I'm not one to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the
You think I'm a newspaper reporter?
Well do ya, punk?
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
candidate in the Unfeasibly Dense Awards - who would have thought the Anti-Defamation League
could have been mistaken for an Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line? [And how long can it be
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"
"don't envy me."
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."
candidate in the Unfeasibly Dense Awards - who would have thought the Anti-Defamation League
could have been mistaken for an Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line? [And how long can it be
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"
"don't envy me."
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
Bradley Bungmunch
2003-10-23 18:03:06 UTC
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 19:22:10 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 09:44:18 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:46:17 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master
No you sub-literate cunt, the word is "ultimate".
Penultimate is correct- "second from last"... "number two" describes you
You've rushed off to the dictionary and suddenly discovered that
you've been using "penultimate" wrongly, like most other
Wrong again... in fact I've helped compose dictionaries;
And yet you've offered nothing in explanation for the use of
"penultimate" other than the incoherent, nonsensical, supposedly
sarcastic whine that you actually meant "second from last".
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
you project your lack of familiarity with grammar and syntax on the
general public,
You've got a way to go before you measure up to the average mug
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
typical provincialism,
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
and assume that your own particular brand of ignorance is common.
And what ignorance would that be?
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
My association with dictionaries was not voluntary,
Did somebody superglue them to you while you were sleeping on the park
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
however, my late Dad was the writer of dictionaries,
Q the violin music.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
and I wound up getting roped into helping
when at home... if you would like to buy any of his stuff, feel
free to do so, here's a couple of examples,
I guess even the internet has its pan-handlers.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
The terms penultimate, ultimate, etc., are commonly used in linguistics
and poetry, with which you are no doubt familiar, being self-proclaimed
as possessing universal knowledge.
Unlike you,
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
And you fail to explain the substitution of "your" for "you", that
"your" having said it all in the critical ranking of literacy. If, however, you
intended the "your", "...you're about to find out just how wrong your _is_.",
would have been grammatically correct.
You wish to be know as a typo-pouncing speccy little twerp. Is this
what you've been reduced to already? Scanning my previous posts for
evidence of any little typo?
Wrong- a typo by definition is substituting one of the up-to-four characters
surrounding the character you intended to hit. Since you intended to say
"you", and not "your", the "r" being nowhere near the "u", this is not a typo,
but just plain stupid. Btw-, substituting one word for another can be utilized
in therapy for culling out subconscious repressions...
So what you are saying is: that it has required several dictionaries
to cull your subconscious repressions.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
you might profit by noting this and other instances of such errors.
My advice is dispensed for free, fuckchops.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Oh you sad - and utterly hopeless - little man.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of verbosity and self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
So let's see what you have ducked.
1) Fucked up on the old nazi and Godwin's law thing. Labeled somebody
and nazi and tried to invoke Godwin's law. RTFM. You then ducked and
2) Labelled somebody a homophobe, provided no evidence, ducked and ran
when your homophobe sycophant was pointed out.
3) Labeled yourself a Donkey. Provided plenty evidence of that.
That is purely in your opinion.
NO. It's there in black and white. Typed by the stumpy little fingers
at the end of your sweaty, pudgy, little hands.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
In your conceit, you imagine yourself to be setting up field and rules...
What rules would these be, shit for brains?
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
self-discovery will be your next evolutionary step.
Self-discovery is sociological, behavior thing, not a genetic thing.
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
the compassionate thing to do seemed to be to put up some prompts for you.
Painting large target signs on your ass if probably not a good idea.
Following step three, it is customary to grow bored
with the "target", and go off to other more interesting threads, at which point
the "target" fancies him or herself to have "won", and the "opponent" has
run away or some such thing. HTH.
Unfortunately for you, I'm still here.
No problem at all. I'm not one to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the
You think I'm a newspaper reporter?
Well do ya, punk?
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
candidate in the Unfeasibly Dense Awards - who would have thought the Anti-Defamation League
could have been mistaken for an Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line? [And how long can it be
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"
"don't envy me."
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."
candidate in the Unfeasibly Dense Awards - who would have thought the Anti-Defamation League
could have been mistaken for an Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line? [And how long can it be
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"
"don't envy me."
Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie

In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of ATJ" lets me know who is boss in no uncertain terms:

"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."

Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"


In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of atj" states what is patently obvious to all but himself:

"don't envy me."


Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie

2003-10-22 16:58:30 UTC
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:46:17 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
"Bradley Bungmunch"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master
No you sub-literate cunt, the word is "ultimate".
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of verbosity and self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
So let's see what you have ducked.
1) Fucked up on the old nazi and Godwin's law thing. Labeled somebody
and nazi and tried to invoke Godwin's law. RTFM. You then ducked and
2) Lapelled somebody a homophobe, provided no evidence, ducked and ran
when your homophobe sycophant was pointed out.
listen buddy - y'r lookin for trouble comin here callin people homophobes!

go find y'r homophobe mates and fuck each other!
Bradley Bungmunch
2003-10-22 17:56:59 UTC
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:46:17 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000,
Douglas D.
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D.
wrote in
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D.
wrote in
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D.
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
"Bradley Bungmunch"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr.
had a
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT,
"Douglas D.
scratch and
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600,
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
You people in other countries are
always bad
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
mouthing America. Do you realize a
lot of the
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
things you take for granted were
invented or
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and
received his
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even
more amazing
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to
create and
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show
that the
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
velocity of light was a constant.
Einstein was the
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
deliver countless simian beings from bondage
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved
that what
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
is imaginary is real and what is real is
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
FFTs and other real life applications of
imaginary numbers,
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen
above your
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
up my shite? Come back next year when you've
finished your
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front
or back- I
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met
any of
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do
it either.
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the
"D" in
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come
from, did
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both
sides of my
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master
No you sub-literate cunt, the word is "ultimate".
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
of verbosity and self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say
Post by Bradley Bungmunch
So let's see what you have ducked.
1) Fucked up on the old nazi and Godwin's law thing. Labeled somebody
and nazi and tried to invoke Godwin's law. RTFM. You then ducked and
2) Lapelled somebody a homophobe, provided no evidence, ducked and ran
when your homophobe sycophant was pointed out.
listen buddy - y'r lookin for trouble comin here callin people homophobes!
go find y'r homophobe mates and fuck each other!


In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of ATJ" lets me know who is boss in no uncertain terms:

"i am telling you what to do. either you will comply with my command, or i will killfile you."

Post by Bradley Bungmunch
But the scottish were too mean to invest in it commercially
that's when the filthy jews.. uh.. americans stepped in.
You've been submitted to the ADL "watch list".
did you mean 'ADSL'?"


In post <***@4ax.com> "Jesus of atj" states what is patently obvious to all but himself:

"don't envy me."


Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
2003-10-22 16:54:29 UTC
Post by Douglas D. Anderson
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:10:20 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:45:37 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
Being tired of lurking, on Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:26:43 +0000, Douglas D.
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:15:53 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:17:21 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 01:17:09 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:05:39 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:08:31 GMT, "Douglas D. Anderson"
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 04:11:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Being tired of lurking, on Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:52:33
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:41:01 GMT, "Douglas D.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:37:28 -0600, "MosZibby"
You people in other countries are always bad
mouthing America. Do you realize a lot of the
things you take for granted were invented or
discovered in America?
Sorry, Nicolai Tesla, Czech, first wireless
transmitter, 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian, sent and received his
first radio signal in Italy in 1895.
Heinrich Hertz generated and proved electromagnetic
wave phenomena in the 1880's, but even more amazing
was that James Clerk Maxwell was able to create and
fully analyze electromagnetic energy and radiation
in his mind, 30 years previous to that,
In fact Maxwell was the first to show that the
velocity of light was a constant. Einstein was the
one to realise the implications.
In fact Minkowski and Laurentz were already playing
with a "norm" that had one minus sign in the
"cartesian" summation of squares.
All such things are imaginary.
Sri Bhagavan Chee Tah Swami, the enlightened simian
Guru, who overcame the illusions of Maya and helped
deliver countless simian beings from bondage to
sadomasochistic pain 10,000 kalpas ago, proved that what
is imaginary is real and what is real is imaginary.
Post proof or STFU. (Not least because the significance
of "imaginary" passed you by). Try thinking "complex",
you mathematical sub-literate.
Actually it didn't... I have to work with Smith charts,
FFTs and other real life applications of imaginary numbers,
and took your meaning for granted- proceeding immediately
to transcendentals, which seems to have risen above your
meager earthly grasp.
You think you are worthy of crawling behind me and sucking
up my shite? Come back next year when you've finished your
first year of university.
Actually your shite holds no interest for me, front or back- I
graduated 30 years ago.
My front shite?
I've never actually seen anybody vomit forth the brown-out
equivalent of ectoplasm - then again, I've never met any of
your friends.
That's good, I'm sure they wouldn't want to see you do it either.
I'm sorry, were you attempting a flame there?
Actually, no... just stating facts.
Ho, ho. ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he.
So sorry again. One mustn't parody your friends.
Why not?
And I was only kidding around. I should have realized the "D" in
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
I'm not sure you've thought through the implications of that statement
properly. What side of your family does the middle name come from, did
you say?
Neither, if indeed it was prior to my birth, "Donkey"; both sides of my
family have been Republicans.
They were gay then, being "from both sides".
And Nazi's too... especially Uncle Godwin... or Aunt, depending.
First time I've ever seen somebody invoke Godwin's law on themselves.
Run away then pussy.
Two replies from you to one post of mine - I am privileged!!!
Oh btw- above and beyond my principle response to your idiotic dialog
with your running pussy, I was hardly invoking Godwin's rule on myself,
I was helping you along. The typical unimaginative dullard will quickly
run out of anything to say, and go through a standard and predictable
sequence, documented in the atj archives, of 1) name lames, 2) gay lames,
3) accusations of nazi-ism or symbolic analogs thereof.
You were the one who brought up nazi-ism. (I do feel this needs to be
pointed out many times).
You are therefore a prime candidate for invoking Godwin's Law upon.
And indeed Godwin's Law was invoked - by you on yourself.
Now the only rational explanation for this utterly bizarre behavior is
- that you are indeed suffering from early onset Alzheimer's (as
pointed by another poster).
You had already proceeded through steps one and two,
On point 1, you state you haven't been know as Douglas "Donkey"
Anderson since your birth. I accept this. However the question goes
begging: why were you known as Douglas "Donkey" Anderson before you
were born? Was it wishful thinking on your parents part?
Wrt point 2, let's look at another post and see if we [well...you
Douglas D Anderson stood for Donkey.
It may have at one time, but not since I was born.
hung like a donkey though, right? could easily munch up his bung if y'were
that way inclined, eh?
Seems to me it's one of your chums from atj farting out the homo (and
analy fixated) lames.
and because you are a bit slower than most targets,
You misspelled wiser. If you thought you were dealing with a rank
amateur, you're about to find out just how wrong your are.
Well I for one am really impressed by your professionalism; every turn of phrase
eminating from your keyboard bespeaks the penultimate master of verbosity and
self-satisfied conceit without your even having to say so.
the compassionate thing to do seemed to be to put up some prompts for you.
Painting large target signs on your ass if probably not a good idea.
Following step three, it is customary to grow bored
with the "target", and go off to other more interesting threads, at which point
the "target" fancies him or herself to have "won", and the "opponent" has
run away or some such thing. HTH.
Unfortunately for you, I'm still here.
No problem at all. I'm not one to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the
nor hairy big-mouth cunts either doug?